Hey Sis! It’s me!

I’m Shenique! Your Love Prep Coach

I am so excited you are here! I’m sure you’re wondering who is this girl?! Well the truth is, I am a lot like you. I have desired marriage and having a family for so long that I (kinda sort) became obsessed with it. I was the queen of “Situationships” and long term relationships with no real commitment. I was frustrated and exhausted! When was it going to be my turn??

So I decided to give it God and depend on Him for what I was praying for. I was tired of doing things my way because guess what?? It wasn’t working! I found that when I TRULY let go and let God, everything began to shift in my favor. In 2017, I was led to write my first book, “Sleeping Sound & Single.” The book was based on my journey and struggles as a single woman desiring marriage.

Once I wrote the book, the feedback I received from the women who read the book was overwhelming. I realized that I was not the only one struggling and it was time to do something about it. I started my journey to become a fulltime coach so that I could help women who shared my same struggles and desires.

When I was writing the book, God revealed to me some of the errors that we make as women when it comes to truly having the life we desire. My biggest goal is to help you understand your authority and the power you have to live the life you are praying for. I founded The Love Prep Academy in October of 2019 as educational resource for women who have challenges in getting their desired outcome in their relationships, which is ultimately marriage.

I want to help you prepare for love but that begins with self and finding out who you are in Christ. God is graceful but you must first accept his grace to position and cultivate a healthy relationship. We make the mistake of focusing solely on finding “the one”, instead I want you to understand that in God you are enough.

Our ministry is designed to guide you to see the woman who God created you to be. The woman that is deserving of all God’s blessings. Once you begin to see yourself the way God sees you… everything changes. I want to support you in shifting the way you think. This mindset shift helps to position your heart and mind to the life, love, and marriage that God has designed just for you.

It would be a pleasure to be your Love Prep Coach in your love journey.

Yours Truly,



Shenique was born in Nassau, Bahamas but was raised in Decatur, Georgia since the age of 5. She enjoys photography, traveling the world, and spending time with her family as friends. She lives in Atlanta, Georgia with her husband, Mario and their daughter, Gabrielle. They have been married since July of 2018. Shenique is a member of World Changers Church International.

a few of my favorite things


love & Relationships

I am completely obsessed with all things love and relationships. I am a hopful romantic and I want everyone to find love. I’m excited to lead women to place where they make themselves open and available for love.


My Family

My family means the world to me. I love my husband and daughter. I have truly enjoyed the journey of becoming a wife and a mom. I have 2 beautiful sisters and 2 handsome brother.



I have always had a love for photography and enjoyed capturing special moments. You can always catch me taking a pic! Fun Fact: I have 23,946 in my phone. Yes, it’s that intense. :)



I enjoy traveling to new places and I have been traveling since I was a little girl. I was born in the Bahamas and have lived in Canada and the US. I am looking forward to seeing the world.